

You can easily use nbqa as a pre-commit hook.

Here’s an example of what you could include in your .pre-commit-config.yaml file:

- repo:
  rev: 1.9.1
   - id: nbqa-black
     additional_dependencies: [black==20.8b1]
   - id: nbqa-pyupgrade
     additional_dependencies: [pyupgrade==2.7.3]
   - id: nbqa-isort
     additional_dependencies: [isort==5.6.4]

For best reproducibility, you should pin your dependencies (as above). Running pre-commit autoupdate will update your hooks’ versions, but versions of additional dependencies need to be updated manually.

See .pre-commit-hooks.yaml for all available built-in hooks.

Custom hooks

If you have your own custom tool (e.g. customtool) for which we currently don’t have a built-in hook, you can define your own one with:

- repo:
  rev: 1.9.1
    - id: nbqa
      entry: nbqa customtool
      name: nbqa-customtool
      alias: nbqa-customtool
      additional_dependencies: [customtool==<version number>]

If there are additional Python code quality tools you would like us to make a hook for, please open a pull request or let us know in the issue tracker!


To pass command line arguments, use the pre-commit args option:

- repo:
  rev: 1.9.1
   - id: nbqa-pyupgrade
     args: [--py38-plus]
   - id: nbqa-isort
     args: [--profile=black]
   - id: nbqa-flake8
     args: [--ignore=E402] # E402 module level import not at top of file

Note that some tools like flake8 require the flag and its value to be joined by an equal sign in order to not interpret the value as a filename (GH issue).

See configuration for how to further configure how nbqa should run each tool. Also, see the pre-commit documentation for how to further configure these hooks.

Temporarily disable hooks

Although not recommended, it is still possible to temporarily disable all checks using git commit --no-verify, or just specific ones using the SKIP environment variable. For example, on a Unix-like operating system:

SKIP=nbqa-black git commit -m "foo"

For more details, please check out the pre-commit documentation.