
Welcome! Here’s a little tutorial, assuming you’re brand-new here. We’ll walk you through:

  • creating a virtual environment;

  • installing nbqa, and checking your installation;

  • running black on your notebook;

  • configuring nbqa.

Creating a virtual environment

Rather than using your system installation of Python, we recommend using a virtual environment so that your dependencies don’t clash with each other. Here’s one way to set one up using Conda - see this tutorial for other options.

  1. Install the Miniconda distribution of Python;

  2. Create a new virtual environment. Here, we’ll call it nbqa-env

conda create -n nbqa-env python=3.8 -y
  1. Activate your virtual environment

conda activate nbqa-env

Install nbqa and black

  1. Install nbqa and at least one Python code quality tool - here, we’ll use black

pip install -U nbqa black
  1. Check your installation

nbqa --version
black --version

Neither of these commands should error.

Run nbqa black

  1. Locate a Jupyter Notebook on your system. If you don’t have one, here is a nice one you can download.

  2. Run the black formatter on your notebook via nbqa

nbqa black notebook.ipynb --line-length=96
  1. Reload your notebook, and admire the difference!

Configuring nbqa

Rather than having to type --line-length=96 from the command-line for each notebook you want to reformat, you can configure nbqa in your pyproject.toml file. Open up your pyproject.toml file (or create one if you don’t have one already) and add in the following lines

line-length = 96

Now, you’ll be able to run the command from the previous section with just

nbqa black notebook.ipynb

Much simpler!

See configuration for how to further configure how nbqa.

Writing your own tool

You can use nbqa to run your own custom tool on Jupyter Notebooks too. You just need to make sure you can run it as a module on a given set of Python files. For example, if your tool is called my_amazing_tool, then as long as you can run

python -m my_amazing_tool file_1.py file_2.py

then you will be able to run

nbqa my_amazing_tool notebook_1.ipynb notebook_2.ipynb